Education & Training
Kunle Hassan Eye Foundation Academy - KHEFA
In addition to providing direct care to patients, Eye Foundation Hospital places a strong emphasis on fostering sustainable development of human resources and skilled personnel to address the shortage of professionals in ophthalmic care, including ophthalmologists, ophthalmic technicians, and assistants. This focus enables Eye Foundation Hospital to contribute to capacity-building activities aimed at improving access to eye care across Nigeria and Africa.
To facilitate training and education initiatives, Deseret Community Vision Institute (DCVI) was established in 1997 as the training arm of the Eye Foundation Hospital. DCVI oversees the training of various professionals in ophthalmology, including ophthalmology residents and fellows, mid-level ophthalmic practitioners (MLOPs), optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, and other allied ophthalmic professionals.
In 2019, DCVI underwent a transformation and has been rebranded as The Kunle Hassan Eye Foundation Academy (KHEFA). KHEFA has expanded its scope beyond clinical training to include a broader range of educational offerings and is positioned to broaden its visibility and service provision to a wider audience, including non-clinical professionals.
Vision: To be a Centre of academic excellence in eye healthcare
Mission: To develop leaders and international best practice in eye care through training, research and educational excellence.
KHEFA offers a comprehensive range of training programs and services, including:
We are accredited by the following bodies: